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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Everything Must Go!

We've scheduled an estate sale for Friday and Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. Though my son Mark may come out before then to load up his car with his favorite picks of the stuff, and we will be taking what we need in the trailer, everything else will be for sale. We are not going to keep a storage unit because we don't want to be tied down to any particular location, or pay the monthly fee.  Hope you locals will consider coming.

We're looking at Saturday June 11 for the "trailer warming"party.  Invitations will be going out as soon as we finalize the arrangements with the KOA. They don't actually open until April, but when they do we'll make a reservation for the first couple of weeks of June, and talk with them about their policies regarding guests, cars and pets. Most places are fine as long as pets are on leashes. It'll probably be a picnic sort of thing from noon to 8ish, so there will be plenty of flexibility around when to come out.  Or folks could bring their tents and get a campsite, and we could have a big slumber party!

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