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Monday, June 13, 2011

NOT Thomas the Tank Engine

Great Bon Voyage party Saturday night. Some sweet quality time around the camp fire. Lots of good bratwursts. I think seeing our new home put some folks' minds at ease. Now they know we're not heading out into the world in a tin broom closet.

Next day we rode our bikes to the Illinois Railroad Museum in Union. Perfect ride in the country. Among other things, the museum's got some monster train engines housed in this huge, long, dark, scary, kind of stinky building. They look like something out of Dr. Who. Perhaps they inspired the Daleks, only MUCH bigger, blacker and nastier. Very steampunk. Eight wheels that are taller than a tall person. Thousands of rivets sticking out of the tank. Baroque constructions of pipes, boxes, cylinders, gears, towers...Nothing at all like Thomas the Tank Engine.

On the home front, we're having trouble with two of our slides. They're stuck and won't slide back in. So we're in Union IL at the KOA until we resolve the problem.

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