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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Flathead Lake, Montana

We have this rhythm now, I guess it's become our travel dance. We stay in a place for about a month, then travel for about 4 days, then stay in the next place for a month. Our driving days average about 200 miles, or 3-4 hours. We pack a lunch, and eat in a rest stop along the highway. We don't meander or sight-see while towing other than the amazing views from Route 90.

When we get to our overnight campgrounds, we have nice leisurely evenings to unhitch, check out the surroundings, find a good place for dinner, take a swim if there's a pool, and walk Kona in the neighborhood.  In Billings, MT we found the best BBQ ribs ever at Blue's BBQ.  Really, the best ribs I have ever had. They were dry rub style, no sauce. Just the right spices, and very smokey. We camped right along the Yellowstone River, in very first KOA in the whole world.

 Once we arrive in our new home, we spend a day or so catching up on chores (like laundry, grocery shopping, repairs) and beginning to get our bearings. Today Rick got up on the roof to clean of the top of the slides and we vacuumed off the window screens to get rid of all the cotton from the cottonwoods we encountered in Buffalo WY.

Last night we spent a little time driving around Polson, and ended up on Polson hill, the glacial moraine dam at the end of Flathead Lake, and took some photos for about an hour.

Flathead Lake is the largest freshwater lake west of the Mississippi. It is fed by the snows of the Rockies and the glaciers in Glacier National Park. The water is some of the cleanest on the continent.

I used to visit my grandparents here when I was a little girl. They lived in an Airstream trailer in Big Arm and for every meal we ate trout my grandfather caught.  The lake still smells the same.  Fresh water fishy and alive.

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