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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Wrapping up South Dakota

We'll be heading out for Montana in a few days, and are finishing up our sight-seeing and getting the RV ready for travel again. We also need to get our truck back from the body shop where almost 100 little hail dents are being popped out and the bed cover is being replaced.

We've been driving around a lot, ranging farther from our home base and hitting some scenic drives we missed on earlier trips. Yesterday we drove west to Wyoming and back up through Custer State Park on Iron Mountain Road, famous for its pigtail turns where the road goes under itself in a 360 degree loop.

Here we're driving out of a tunnel into the top of the pigtail.

And here we're looking up to where we just were and the road loops under itself.
There were also some cool views of Mt. Rushmore from a distance - a perspective you don't usually see.

No buffaloes this time, but we did catch the back ends of some gentleman longhorn sheep.

I think my favorite place is the west side of the Black Hills, as they transition into the flat dry lands of southeastern Wyoming. Lush green, grassy valleys with little groves of quaking aspen.

Back "home," our valley has just been hayed, as have many in this area. 

Tonight we're going into Spearfish for a huge Corvette rally. Who knew?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rick & Lenore,

    Just getting around to following your travel adventures. I've got a lot of catching up to do since early June, but i've enjoyed your posts and the photos are a great way to travel with you vicariously. More later.

    Bruce D


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