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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Best restaurant in Whitefish Montana

Latititude 48. We sat at the "chef's bar," a counter comprising one wall of the tiny kitchen (not much bigger than our RV kitchen), and watched five young men spinning and dipping in their designated areas - head chef, salad, pizza, grill and sauce - creating incredible dishes with grace, good cheer and remarkable coordination.  (What a movement study it was. The sauce chef was in wild free flow, I thought he was going to set the place on fire.)  It was all so entertaining, and then we got to the food! Perfection! I wish I had a video of those guys. But alas...

This was at the end of a very long drive through the Seeley-Swan Valley. There's no short way to go, just a long loop south to Missoula then up through the valley, ending in Bigfork. It's beautiful country, through lots of undeveloped forest land, but the views are not as good as the Flathead Valley because of all the trees.

For some reason we decided to go shopping in Kalispell and Whitefish after all that (we needed dog food and black water treatment chemicals). Glad we did, or we wouldn't have had the great dinner experience.

Here it is: http://www.latitude48bistro.com/latitude.php

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