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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Rafting the Flathead River

Rick and I liked this so much a few weeks ago, that we did it again. Rick took these pictures with his waterproof Sony Cybershot DDSC-TX10. (It even takes incredible HD video, but I don't think we can post those on this blog.)  You can view some great shots of our raft at this photo link on the company's website.

This is our guide Donald, from the Flathead Raft Company. He's quite a remarkable young man, who is also a ballet dancer and geology student. I'm especially partial to him as he was very quick about pulling me back into the boat after I popped out going over one of the trickier rapids.

This is the view looking back at one of the rapids. Fortunately, after a stretch of rapids, there was often a flat section to catch our breath and look around.

I'm trying to see a bald eagle, which in this shot is a tiny white speck in the upper right hand corner.

After the rapids are all over, we got out of the boat and floated/swam down the river in our life jackets, which is my favorite part.  Heaven, I want to be a fish in the Flathead River in my next life please.

1 comment:

  1. This is breath taking! Thanks for the blog... Mary Ann Wells-Crandall


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