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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Bear Lake and Ms. Subaru

Bear Lake is famous for its bright turquoise waters, and it lived up to its reputation. Had a hard time wrapping my head around this landscape, with the tropical looking water surrounded by dry, sage covered mountains.

We circumvented the lake, passing out of Idaho, in Utah. Took a drive up Beaver Mountain to get a bird's eye view of the lake and some fall colors. Little orange and red maples I think.  We stopped in Fish Haven for lunch and had the best sandwiches ever at a tiny place along the road side, Gladys'.  I hope you'll all get a chance to try their rueben sandwiches and one of the "Only Raspberry Shakes in Fish Haven."

Just north of Bear Lake is Mud Lake, a wildlife refuge, which was also beautiful in its own way. Lots of ducks and fish in the water.

The next day we went back to Bear Lake for a paddle.  This might be a good time to introduce you to the newest member of our traveling team.

This is the happy Ms. Forester Subaru. She carries all our adventure equipment, except when she forgets something, like the paddles. But she's young and we're patient with her. She'll catch on. But doesn't she look happy there at Bear Lake?

So...we headed back to the campground without taking a paddle after all and passed this other happy place. Someone actually lives in this house!

Happy surprises everywhere we go...

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