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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Capitol Reef National Park

This is going to be a tough one. I'm going to try to let the pictures tell most of the story. We just drove through the park. We could have spent days. I know we'll be back.

Pinyon pine.

 There's no way to put words to the scenery in this park, and I took so many pictures...

I've tried to select some that show the range of formations and views, from BIG to more intimate.

The place is kind of mind-blowing. 

Holes in the cliffs formed by erosion - little stones get caught in riverside depressions and then just work away at the holes. Then the stream moves down the cliff side leaving these exposed.

Petroglyphs of the Fremont people. (Aliens, right?)

Now we're in Virgin, Utah, at the gates of Zion National Park, where we will be staying for almost a month. So I imagine we will be seeing more mind-blowing scenery. Today we are just settling in, grocery shopping, doing laundry and scoping out the community. We're staying at the Zion River Resort, which is a nice place. They have a pool. Rick is very happy.

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