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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Grafton, Utah: Ghost Town

Kona and I drove out to Grafton, near the town of Rockville, to poke around and take some photos. Ghost towns are big out here in the West, but don't do much for me. I tried the method of getting in and down into the details as we walked around, and ranged a bit further into the surrounding area as well.  That helped, so the day turned into a really nice exploration of the countryside.

Grafton consists of about 6 or 7 buildings, from churches to sheds.  Some have been restored and are monitored by video surveillance, and others are just slipping into the landscape.

The surrounding area is an old farm along the Virgin River. It looks like it still may be in use by a local ranch for cattle grazing.

We walked along the river and the pastures. I let Kona off her leash to play in the river and follow her nose. She didn't see this guy though, until we were right on top of him.

We stood and looked at each other for awhile. I think we were in his path and he was hoping we would go away.  He eventually turned aside and so did we.

On another note, I found a great website by a photographer named Joe Braun. It has very thorough descriptions of the hikes around Zion as well as some remarkable photography. I hope you'll check it out.

1 comment:

  1. Loving all of the pictures of your adventures - they are stunning! I especially enjoyed how Lenore shared her thought process on being able to take in an awesome landscape in smaller doses at first. Happy adventuring!


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