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Friday, February 3, 2012

Quiet Inside and Out

Wake up. Espresso and email. Walk Kona. Empty the black tank. Do a laundry. Grocery store or farmers market. Yoga. Lunch. Read in the sun. Watch the ducks. Bike ride. Hot tub. Walk Kona. Supper. Watch a little TV. Read. Go to bed.

Throw in a few local drives, planning for the next leg of our journey, an occasional gathering with neighbors, and you've got my life right now. Pretty quiet inside my head too.  Not thinking anything profound or witty. How does one blog about that?

I have to say the photography is more difficult around here. In Utah, you basically just have to point and shoot and you get something great. Around here, you point and shoot and get a lot of sky, a lot of beige earth and a lot of mist sandwiched in between.

We will be traveling to the Indio area for a few days any time now to have a satellite internet system installed. Just waiting for the parts to arrive. Other than that, no plans.

Thinking about Alaska this summer, or maybe just Oregon and Washington. I'd be happy either way. May boil down to a financial decision. Gas is pretty expensive in Alaska, and we're working on the budget.


  1. Hi Lenore! You could always share pictures of Kona, not a lot of those in your blog and she is a beautiful dog! Just a suggestion. Another one suggestion - the Oregon coast is pretty temperate and unspoiled in areas. There's tons of great trips to take around the Beaver State.

  2. Is that Indio, California? We were just through there the other day on the way to Solar Mike's. Now, we're Solar Ducks.

    I have to say that I have never, in my whole life, seen so many different kinds of stuff in a day trip.

    And, are you really from South Dakota? That is some kind of good luck for full-timers!

    The Good Luck Duck

    1. Yes, Indio CA. We're in Aguanga right now. We're planning on getting solarized in Oregon later. How do you like it?

      I bet if you listed what you did in one day it'd be a lot too. And when do you have time to look at all those blogs you're subscribed to?

      Our legal residence is in SD. We don't live there.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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