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Monday, March 5, 2012

Huntington Gardens Part I: Succulents and Cacti

Yesterday we visited the Huntington Library Gardens in San Marino, California. There was so much to see, and I took about 300 pictures, so I'm going to divide the visit up to a few posts.  Rick had been there before and he suspected I would like the succulent and cactus gardens, and so suggested we start there. It was very hot and sunny, so it was good we got this hot garden viewed in the earliest part of the day.

I apologize for not recalling the names of any of the plants in this immense garden. I hope readers will be able to enjoy this selection of a few of my favorite pictures anyway.  The gardens cram a lot of plants in this section, sometimes very close together. It was at times hard to select a focal point, as you can see in the picture above.  I chose to focus most of my pictures on single specimens, which I think shows off their beauty better than larger group shots do. So take your time and see if you can let the pictures speak individually. As usual, you can click on any picture and be transported to a screen you can view all the pictures in a larger format.

Next, the jungle!

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