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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Why I dance... Pourquoi je danse...

I've never posted someone else's work (in this case a video from YouTube) on my blog, and I'm not sure it's going to work. This is a significant departure from my usual kind of posting, but I hope that readers will enjoy it. It's a beautiful and short piece that explains in real peoples' words why they dance (please see the credits at the end for the creators' names). Dance has been central to my life, and still is. All the things that the dancers on this video say are true for me, and I believe have been true for the people I've worked with as a dance therapist and educator.

Rick and I met dancing, and we still try to dance as often as we can. Please give me feedback about how this embedded video worked for you. Thanks.


  1. I always loved to dance. Rich "humored" me at first. Sometimes we'd take a 10 minute break from work and put on our favorite music just to move and get the blood flowing. Sometimes we wound up clowning around as we danced. He resisted at first, but it became a wonderful way to spend an evening at home. Sometimes we'd have a glass or two of wine, and instead of watching TV we'd dance. Keeps the romance going. Those little interludes in our lives left we with many wonderful memories.

    The video worked great, btw.

    1. Yes, dancing can sure be a romantic experience. There's a great song by Pierce Pettis called "To Dance" that you might enjoy. You can find it on iTunes. I always fall in love with my dance partners. Makes social dancing a little dangerous. : )

      thanks for letting me know about the video working.


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