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Sunday, July 15, 2012

In Our Neighborhood

As I've not been able to keep up with all the things we've been doing and seeing, (slow connections) I thought I'd just share a few of my favorite pictures taken just walking distance from our campsite. There is a lovely trail along the Georgia Strait, down to the Oyster River, that we've been walking almost every day. It passes through reedy wetlands, deciduous and coniferous forests, meadows, farmland, dunes, and ends at the estuary. We see eagles almost every time, along with herons, harlequin ducks, Canada geese, flickers, gulls, spotted towhee, white-winged scoters and more. It's a birder's paradise and if I knew more of the little flitters I'd tell you what they were.

Above is the wetlands, and below is the Oyster River, where Kona likes to swim. These photos were all taken in the evening, so they have that magical light effect.

In the woods there are these small lilies, much like tiger lilies, but with much smaller blossoms.

We see lots of container barges along the Strait, and cruise ships once or twice a week.  This looks like we're in Alaska doesn't it? We've been having beautiful clear weather and get great views like this one of the mountains on mainland British Columbia.

Tomorrow we are going for an overnight trip to the west coast of Vancouver Island, to the beach towns of Tofino and Ucluelet. I hope I'll be able to share pictures soon.

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