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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Happy Holidays from South Carolina

We're in Mount Pleasant, SC for the month, visiting with Rick's family. Our days are filled with wrapping presents, baking cookies, taking new walks, eating out with different combinations of family members, and getting some essential self-care taken care of (dentist, haircuts, Kona grooming). Rick has a wonderful family and we always have a good time visiting.

I've been baking almost every day. It's fun to have a lot of people around for the holidays so I can make lots of different kinds of cookies and not have to eat them myself. I started with a favorite of my son Mark's, pecan puffs from the Joy of Cooking. Then successfully tackled one of Rick's grandmother's old recipe's for white sugar cut-out cookies. I'm also trying several batches of savory cookies for grown-ups: blue cheese pecan icebox crackers, cheddar cheese cranberry pecan crisps, "tango" lemon cayenne cookies, and basil cookies. So far so good!

Looking forward to Christmas Eve and Christmas day with the whole local family. The youngest is Caroline, who is the star of every gathering, as anyone who knows 1 1/2 yr. olds understands.  It's her first real Christmas, and she is enamored with and excited by all of it.

I remember it well, and it makes me miss my son Mark, who is now grown up and living in Boston.

Rick and I send our best wishes to all our readers, with hopes for beautiful, loved filled holiday celebrations, and a joyful New Year. 

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