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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Mount Pleasant KOA

While here in Mount Pleasant, SC, we're staying at the KOA. Although KOA's are not our favorite spots, we chose this one because it's close to family and Charleston, and we've been happy with it. KOA's are often pricey, overburdened with rules, and one pays for lots of amenities and activities that are aimed at families with children.  This one is very relaxed and reasonable for the monthly rate of $508, which includes taxes and electricity.  It is located on the Oakland Plantation, a very large historic tract of land that still has the original home, which you can see on a biweekly wagon ride.  What I like best about this KOA is the long nature trail along through the undeveloped parts of the property. Kona and I walk it often. I thought I'd share some pictures of a quiet day at the KOA.

 An early start around the trail resulted in some nice hazy morning scenes. The live oaks, Spanish moss and palms create the typical Southern silhouettes.

The path through the property follows several long ditches that seem to be effected by the tides. Signs at the start of the trail warn walkers to stay on the trail due to alligators and poisonous snakes! I haven't seen any, but it's winter.

Many egrets and herons live along the ditches and are always startled by our walking by. The herons make a really loud squawk that has startled me more than once, even though I've come to expect it.

Here you can just see one sitting up in the bare branches to the right of the palm.

The path also goes through a couple of areas with smaller low hanging trees, lots of vines and palmetto undergrowth.

It was still early enough that I caught the light on some dewey spider webs...


and this fascinating unidentified plant.  It was the only one like it - about a foot tall, with purple and dark green foliage. 

The path ends with a stretch along the fresh water lake.

Back at the campground, here's our site, #29. Nothing special really.

Next to the office there's a swimming pool covered with a bubble. We haven't tried it out. 

Today I'm alone in the RV while Rick helps the family out with some furniture moving. I'm baking bread, doing laundry and writing this post. 

A few times this month we've had some nice sunsets over the lake.  Is this the life or what? Tonight however we won't be here. We'll be at Carolina's Restaurant in Charleston, celebrating Rick's brother Bob's birthday. We leave in a few days, but I still hope to write a post or two about the things we've been doing and seeing here. We'll see...

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