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Thursday, February 28, 2013

A Little Change in Plans

Sunset over The Great Outdoors

We had planned on leaving Titusville and The Great Outdoors Resort on Feb. 25th and heading for the west coast of Florida, but that was not how it worked out.  We discovered a couple of weeks ago that we had a problem with one of our slides, and decided to get the work done here where we were familiar with the local RV service shop. This required us finding a new spot at the resort, as our nice one here will have new tenants on Mar. 1. So tomorrow we move to a different section of the resort. We'll miss our lovely neighborhood, but feel pretty sure the next one will be good too.

Here are a few views of the site we've been in:

From the other side:

And from the back:

We'll be here until Mar. 25  so we can get the monthly rate again. There's plenty to do for another month, in addition to the repairs. I've been taking the tai chi and yoga classes, and riding the nature trail on my bike everyday. We will try to have a few beach days before we leave, and hope to get over to Leu Gardens in Orlando.  After that we hope to spend just a little time over on the west coast before we start heading north.

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