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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Surf's Up!

A trip to Florida just wouldn't be complete without some good beach time. We've been waiting for better beach weather after this cold snap, and we finally had a day that we thought might do it.

 Merritt Island has a very long stretch of undeveloped National Seashore, sans the strange and unfortunate practice of beach driving that's common in parts of Florida. 

We walked as far as we could down the beach, which is blocked when it comes to the Kennedy Space Center property, and then spent time watching the surfers. It was a big surf day, as a strong northeastern  wind out at sea had whipped up some pretty big waves.

Later in the week we got all dolled up to go contra dancing, drove down to Cocoa Beach (about an hour away) and found out that the dance was in Melbourne. Oh well. This isn't the first time we've missed out on a dance due to either poor communication or insufficient research. So we headed home along the Cocoa Beach strip of A1A, and passed the infamous Ron Jon's. There must be a hundred billboards for Ron Jon's spread all over the highways from South Carolina to Miami.

With the lighting effects and the giant surfing statues, it looked like a little slice of Las Vegas at the beach.  We had driven down this stretch of A1A during the day and it looked very different - kind of bland. Now it was brightly lit and hopping.

Usually these kinds of places don't interest us much, but we were all dressed up with no place to go, so in honor of Spring Break we cruised on in. Boy if you need anything remotely beach related, this is the place.

Flip-flops anyone?

They had a great selection of skate boards and long boards and of course...

surf boards. 

Can you imagine, we got out without a single purchase?

We'll be here in Titusville for one last week, and then we'll be moving to the west coast of Florida. All three of us will be getting haircuts this week, the truck will get an oil change, and we'll do all those last minute things to get ready to travel again.  I'm sure there will be few more posts before then. I've got some unique wildlife sightings to share.  

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