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Friday, February 28, 2014

Things We Can't Do Without - 1

Today I thought I'd start a series of posts in which, over time, now and then, I'd share some of the things that we find so helpful, so often, that we consider them indispensable.

Three years ago, our decision to lead a full-time life in a 39 foot fifth-wheel trailer sent us on an anti-stuff campaign, starting with getting rid of everything we owned except what we could carry with us. When you live in 400 square feet, you have to be very selective about those things. There's no room for stuff that has no purpose. (In all honesty, I should do another series of posts about the things that we carry even though they have no purpose at all.)

Today we have the first of the maintenance and repair triumvirate: the yoga mat, cable ties and electrical tape.

Yoga mat

No particular brand is necessary, in fact the cheaper the better (try TJMaxx, Walmart or Target) because this yoga mat does dirty work. When I first met Rick he was using an old camping mat that would normally go under a sleeping bag -- same difference. It just has to be compact, foldable or rollable, and wipeable.

As I've inferred above, this is Rick's invention, and I thought it was weird at first. But over the years it has proven itself to be one of the single most helpful tools in dealing with indoor or outdoor repairs and maintenance that require one to get down on the floor or the ground to work. It provides cushioning for the knees and a barrier between one's butt and the ever-present dirt, sand, pebbles, mud, moisture, grass (stains), cold, etc.

Here you see the yoga mat in action for changing the generator oil.

(Another personal disclosure - it's Rick who does all these repairs. 
Thank you Rick. You are really the one I can't do without.)


  1. Great idea. Thanks. I'm going to buy one, today!

  2. You're welcome! I hope you find it as helpful as we have.


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