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Sunday, March 2, 2014

Highs and Lows in Texas

Wow. It's 31 degrees here in Kerrville right now, and 24 hours ago it was 89! It's kind of hard to get acclimated when I don't know whether to put on my flip flops and bathing suit, or layer up with long underwear. Fortunately we don't have to go out if we don't want to, but tomorrow we head north to Illinois for some real weather. This little cold snap helped prepare us for that shock.

My son Mark is here to RV-sit for us while we take this little detour back to our previous state of residence to take care of some personal business. He came a few days early so we could visit and so he could get used to how the RV works.  

Yesterday, in all that sunshine and dry heat we took an outing to Enchanted Rock, where it seemed everyone in Texas hill country also thought it was the place to be. 

Last time we were here, it was so desolate that we had a hard time knowing where the hiking trail was. This time it was a veritable parade going up and down the "Rock" - the highest point around. In the background of this picture you can see the line of cars waiting to get in and the full parking lots.

The place was big enough for all of us though, and once we got up top the views were still wide open.  Although it was a hot day by our standards, the wind was strong and kept us cool. It was even strong enough to keep Mark's hat plastered to his belly. "Look Ma, No hands!"

After working up an appetite we headed north to Llano to revisit Cooper's BBQ. This place is just too good to pass up.  They carve pork chops, half chickens, pork ribs, steak, brisket, goat and sausage and slap it into a pile on your tray. (BTW, when they ask if you want it dipped in sauce, the answer is a resounding "YES.")

In the dining room find big pots of pinto beans and more juice. YES please!

Required by Texans to accompany BBQ is white bread, 
which they go through almost as fast as the paper towels.

I snuck a peek into the kitchen where they were cooking up these huge vats of beans and sauce.

Once again, the meat was the best ever, and the sauce makes it all slide down so easy….making everybody pretty happy. 

(Many thanks to these local basketball players who helped orient us to the unique dining ways of Cooper's BBQ. That's Mark in the middle. He's not a basketball player.)

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