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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Soap Box Derby: Cedar City, Utah

Ready for a flashback to a simpler time? This is not an app, computer game or any kind of a virtual experience. This is an authentic, nuts and bolts, homemade, main street, family and full-out community, hands-on event.

Have you ever seen a real life soap box derby? I don't think I have. I do recall the episode of the original Little Rascals in which some soap box cars played prominently.  Well, I jumped at the chance to witness the real thing in Cedar City. Here's how it went...

The cars line up at the top of the street. As you can see, soap box cars have come along way since the Little Rascals. Many are sponsored by local businesses, which I assume allows them to get pretty fancy. When their numbers are called, two at a time, the volunteer crew pushes the cars up the ramp into the starting gate.  

You'll recall,  I'm sure, that soap box racers have no engines…only steering wheels and brakes. 

On "GO" they roll down the ramp at not quite breakneck speeds...

..and on down Main Street, powered only by gravity and heart.

Some cars are "zoomier" than others (shades of Spanky and gang)...

...but all are cheered on equally until they cross the finish line.

 At the end of the race, the drivers steer their cars (or carts) into the pit.

The event was pretty much male dominated, but there were some girls and women drivers. 
(Yes, there was an adult division.)

In the pit necessary repairs are made... 

…and the winners go on to race again, and again, until the fastest car wins the whole shebang! 

I saw plenty of future racers in the crowd, waiting for their chance to roll.

I have to say, Cedar City, UT is doing something very right.

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