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Sunday, June 1, 2014

Happy Third Anniversary to Us!

This weekend marks three years that we have been living in our DRV 5th wheel full-time and traveling this great country. Last night the sky did a little something special to help us celebrate.

Rick is also doing something to help us celebrate. Two days ago he began a list of everywhere we have been in the last three years. He has an incredible memory, plus he has a little help from his log book where he keeps a record of all the places we've parked our RV, and his photo library. I say "everywhere" we've been, but I don't think the list includes all the car washes, laundromats, yoga studies, barber shops or grocery stores yet. But who knows? It started as a list of national parks, then museums, then national forests, then state parks, and now I think it even includes restaurants and tourist traps. 

We've had a lot of fun recalling places. Rick will say "Remember that bike ride we took in La Crosse, WI?" and I draw a blank.  Then he provides a few more details, and eventually I remember it too. 

We have lots of memory aids. I mentioned Rick's log book, and his photos. On top of that we've got my photos, a paper atlas with all our routes highlighted, a Word document itinerary of all our overnight stops, souvenir magnets on the fridge and the sticker map of the US states where we've RV'd  on the outside of the rig. And still I need help remembering places we've been. Oh, and of course this blog, started before we left home in Spring '11 as we made the transition to full-timing. (If you're interested in visual highlights, see the new page of my favorite photos from the last year in the right hand column.)

How do other people record and remember their travels? Any new ideas?


  1. Just found another was to record travels. Amanda at Watsons Wander has embroidered a map of the US with the states they've visited filled in. Check it out http://www.watsonswander.com

  2. You should mark all your routes/stops/way sites on GoogleEarth. I'd love to see that map!

  3. So would I! I did it our first year, then tried again for year 2 and couldn't get Google Maps to take more that 17 locations so I gave up at the time. Haven't tried it since but should.


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