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Monday, June 23, 2014

North to Alaska

Today we start a really big adventure. Although our lives are all about moving and changing, whenever we leave the RV for awhile it feels very different - like a vacation used to feel. Our internet connection has been very bad lately so I apologize for not keeping up to date. Even this little post took a lot of time to accomplish. We've been near Eugene, basically just getting ready for our more-than-a-month away from home.

We'll be parking the RV at Premier RV Storage and Service where an independent contractor, Coach Solutions, will do some work for us while it's parked.

Then we'll take four days to drive through coastal Oregon and Washington, ending up in Gig Harbor with our friends Cindy and Nick. We'll stay with them a few days until we fly up to Sitka next week.

Our plans while there are a small ship cruise around the inland passageway, then hanging out in Anchorage, Denali and the surrounding area for the rest of the time. Although our connectivity, both phone and internet will be sketchy much of the time, we'll be taking plenty of pictures so I hope to post when I can.

Here we go!!!

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