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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Beautiful Lake Tahoe


OK, that's all the fuming I'm going to do about the internet and AT&T cell service we've been getting as we travel south along the eastern edge of California. It is truly beautiful country around here, and we have loved everything about it except the electronic connectivity. It took me 30 minutes to upload three pictures from Lake Tahoe - a place where Rick and I took literally hundreds of photographs of incredible scenery. So, although I can personally live without phone, internet and television for a long time, it makes writing blog posts almost impossible. I apologize for the scarcity of my communications. 

We've heard about Lake Tahoe so often from those with more experience in the western USA, but this is the first time we've witnessed its beauty for ourselves. Whatever rave reviews you've heard, they are not an exaggeration. It is truly a spectacular place. The lake itself is breathtaking and the surrounding mountains are dramatic. The relationship of water and rocks is at its best here. 

Yes, there are parts of the surrounding area that are built up in a less than attractive manner, like South Lake Tahoe and parts of Zephyr Cove, with casinos making their ugly appearance.  But other than those two areas, we thought the development was very tasteful. We know the locals and old-timers in the area mourn the pristine conditions, but as newcomers, we were still impressed with the natural beauty of the lake and shoreline communities.

We are currently in Coleville (or maybe it's Walker) CA and are working our way down Rt. 395 through remote areas of the Eastern Sierra Nevadas. Yesterday we visited Mono Lake and today we're heading for Bodie, arguably the largest and best preserved "ghost town" in the country. We'll be in touch as we can. 


  1. You're paving the way for us...we're heading for 395 in the next few days.

  2. I hope you enjoy it. And if you have Verizon you may enjoy if even more. I'll be curious to see how your blogging holds up as you travel 395. I'll keep my eye on your travels and maybe our paths will cross.

  3. Beautiful area. Amazing scenery. We lived in Truckee, just north of the lake for 25 years. Now in Reno. If not for the deep winter snows!! But I still get to drive up there every day to work. The hiking all around the lake is just so great. Spectacular views any direction you look. However, when hiking at 6000 to >9000 ft, elevation, one must pace one's self. You've taken some great pictures. Thanks

  4. Welcome Paul! We sure miss Lake Tahoe now that we're in the less attractive southern end of 395. Water is truly a blessing and where we are now (Hesperia), has almost none.


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