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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Adventures with Honey

As Honey grows and learns in leaps and bounds, we have introduced her to neighbors and their friendly dogs, and taken her on a few adventures.  She's a pro already at riding in the car so that we can go places.

View from the trail at Dripping Springs, Aguanga, CA

She is learning to walk on a leash so she can take hikes with us. 

Rick, friends Lynn and Glenn, and Honey

Sometimes she needs a little assistance on the trail. 

"Godfather" Glenn with marsupial Honey

She loves to climb, and has turned one of our chairs into a jungle gym.

Honey climbing to get her favorite bully stick

We've started some basic training with sit, stay, come, while stimulating her Retriever instincts. 

She's adjusting to the periods of activity and stillness in our lives. Or maybe we're adjusting to her's. 

Honey in her happy place

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Meet Honey!

Well, we did it. We got a puppy. We did some searching around in Southern California and found a litter with three females that were born in November. We met the only female left, and her sire, dam and owner at their home on a rainy Sunday. (The whole transaction happened out in the yard in the rain.) We brought her home that same day and named her Honey. Here she is napping in her crate on the way home.

It took us a day to figure out her sleep (about 45 minutes), wake and potty (immediately!) and play (about 15 minutes) pattern.  Once we got that, there've been no accidents in the house. She's learning so quickly! She took to her crate easily and even slept through the whole night on her third night in the RV. She seems happy in  our little home.

Honey's new home

Check out those bright white little toe nails!

Honey's quite a cuddly little girl, and has already made friends in typical golden style, with her "godparents" - our friends Glenn and Lynn.

 Honey with her godfather Glenn.

Kisses for godmother Lynn!

You can bet you'll be seeing a lot more of Honey in future posts. We're looking forward to plenty of adventures together. 

Goodnight Honey!