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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Adventures with Honey

As Honey grows and learns in leaps and bounds, we have introduced her to neighbors and their friendly dogs, and taken her on a few adventures.  She's a pro already at riding in the car so that we can go places.

View from the trail at Dripping Springs, Aguanga, CA

She is learning to walk on a leash so she can take hikes with us. 

Rick, friends Lynn and Glenn, and Honey

Sometimes she needs a little assistance on the trail. 

"Godfather" Glenn with marsupial Honey

She loves to climb, and has turned one of our chairs into a jungle gym.

Honey climbing to get her favorite bully stick

We've started some basic training with sit, stay, come, while stimulating her Retriever instincts. 

She's adjusting to the periods of activity and stillness in our lives. Or maybe we're adjusting to her's. 

Honey in her happy place


  1. Love all these pics! Can't wait to show the girls - we are already counting down the months until we get to meet her!! Sending all our love.

  2. She looks like such a bundle of love and joy in your lives! I am envious!

    1. Oh, she definitely is! Loving and just a little bossy too.

  3. Oh my gosh, I am in love. Normally I enjoy running into fellow bloggers. Thank goodness our paths won't be crossing anytime soon or I might be labeled a doggie kidnapper LOL.

    1. Uh-oh. Thanks for the warning. We'll keep our eyes open for you, and maybe we'll just have to tantalize you with some more pictures.

  4. What a sweet dog! Congrats on finding her. :)

  5. Thanks. And best of luck in your planned retirement and further adventures!


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