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Friday, May 25, 2012

Gig Harbor

After spending the afternoon at the Tacoma Museum of Glass we decided to head north rather than drive through Tacoma and Olympia on Route 5 during rush hour.

So, once safely across the Tacoma Narrows bridge with high wind warnings (remember Galloping Gertie, the bridge that collapsed due to structural defects?) we found the very cute harbor town of Gig Harbor.

As you can see, it's a very protected little harbor, with many recreational and fishing boats, and homes along the shores.

It has a small historic downtown, including the Skansie Netshed, one of the buildings left from the homes and business of the Skansie family, one of the town founders.

While hanging around the docks, we watched some young people receiving lessons in high kneel, or Canadian canoeing, which I have since learned is an Olympic event. It seemed to be very difficult, as balance is much harder to achieve in this position. The lesson starts on the dock. See the foam pad under her knee? Can you imagine balancing this way while paddling in a canoe?

These two boys struggled along in tandem as they came into shore.

We watched long enough to see this young man successfully set off on his own. See the unusual shape of the canoe? Looks incredibly unstable.


We found some supper at Tides Tavern overlooking the harbor and then headed home on the back roads through the Kitsap Peninsula. 


  1. Wow! That high kneel canoeing looks uncomfortable. I think I'm just about too old to even try canoeing or kayaking, but I surely wouldn't be up to the high kneel for very long.

  2. your in my hometown lenore! enjoy and send the pacific northwest love for me.


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