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Thursday, May 31, 2012

One Year Anniversary

We've been "dancing 'cross the country" for one year now and in honor of our anniversary I thought I'd post a geographical review.

We sold our home in Naperville, IL on May 31, 2011 and moved out the same day. For the month of June we hung around in motels, in the RV dealer's parking lot, and in a nearby campground until we felt we had everything in order. Since then we've been traveling, staying places anywhere from one night to two months.  Aside from this blog, and taking photographs, here are some other ways we've recorded our journey.

This was made in Google Maps, then screen captured and imported to Picassa. I hope to learn how to remove the lettered pins soon.

This is a sticker map, common among RVers, that we've put on the outside of the RV, near the door. You can get them at Camping World and add state stickers as you go.

These are old fashioned paper maps from a US and Canada atlas that I keep track of our travels in. The one above is Southern California where we spent about four months this winter, and the one below is Oregon.

As we travel, we usually don't buy souvenirs, as we don't have room to keep them. The one exception is refrigerator magnets from the National Parks we've visited. Here's the western US collection. I try to arrange them roughly geographically on the freezer door.

Our plans for the next year include continuing north to Sequim, WA where we will stay for one month, then on to Vancouver Island, BC for three weeks. Then we start the long trek diagonally southeast across the country so that we can be with family in South Carolina for Christmas 2012. We will probably winter somewhere in Florida, then head north to New England for summer 2013 to see many friends and family and get a few New England contra dances in. 

As always, our purpose is to gratefully embrace opportunity, explore possibilities, 
have new adventures, and dance as we go.  

1 comment:

  1. I love all the ways you track your adventures - so cool to see! Very excited to get to see you on the West Coast in a few weeks and then enjoy a Southern Christmas together in a few more months! Happy trails!


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