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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

More Honey Photos

Another post for puppy lovers. Honey has made herself right at home in our RV, and considers us her family now. She has various extended family members, as friends and neighbors vie for roles as aunts, uncles, godparents and occasional dog sitters. 

Here Rick tries to turn her on to some of life's greater pleasures. You can see what she's really interested in.

Rancho California, where we are for a couple of months, has a dog park that we have yet to visit -- too many big dogs for a little girl just yet. We may visit before we leave. Although it's a huge RV park, sometimes the residents here get a little nervous about their "private property" (ownership RV sites) and the golf course, leaving us basically a strip of grass along the edge of our site, and the street for walks.  There are a few open spaces that are not near RV sites or the golf course and we haven't been reprimanded for walking there yet.  We try to hit those daily for training. She's great at sit, stay, and "Here Honey!" She's beginning to learn lie down and the "touch" command. She really likes that one.

Honey with leash and her new big girl collar.

The Woolworth's portrait. : )

No, we didn't pose her for this with dog food on her nose.

As noted in a previous post, she really loves to climb and tunnel. (I think maybe she got a few Jack Russell genes along the way somewhere.) We're thinking she's going to be well suited for agility training pretty soon.

With her favorite toy. Love the look.
Thanks for your patience while we indulge in puppy love. I promise when we get back on the road there'll be a little more variety. Then we'll see how Honey likes to travel.


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